As our sapient classfellow remarked (contra Darwin's Whiggery), our course author Swift was a political Tory (having been a Whig) in the days of that faction's origin. Another course author, Chesterton, was a social Tory in the grand style. And yet another, Gissing, had an unwilling Tory sensibility (his last full work, the succinct delights of The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft is effectively an ode to social Toryism) and portrays that through the character Dymchurch in our final course work, Our Friend the Charlatan.
It comes to me that there is a very eminent public person who manifests pure Toryism in this present day, but I cannot reveal his name because you would rail: precisely because we live in an Age of Whiggism rampant, that person's Tory words and Tory actions are all-but-universally mocked and derided by media and multitude -- all of whom, of course, took Whiggery with their mother's milk and know it as invisibly and unquestioningly as the daily air that they breathe.
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